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Speakin' Japanese: Chopsticks chatter

Sushi, tempura, savory okonomiyaki – there are so many yummy Japanese foods you won’t want to miss during your stay. “Hashi” or chopsticks are an indispensable tool when you sample these local specialties.

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Get away to Hokkaido: Day trip to Otaru

Fellow Stripes Japan writer Takahiro Takiguchi recommended I visit Otaru while I was around Sapporo.

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VIDEO: Taste of Japan: Kanten jelly a sweet, healthy alternative

As a kid, every New Year I would look forward to a sweet jelly called kouhaku kanten. Kanten is a jelly made from boiled tengusa algae and seaweed. It is known for being low-calorie and rich in fiber, so it is often used as a healthy alternative to regular sweets.

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VIDEO: Let's whip up Okinawa's famous doughnuts

These donuts are fun to make anytime of the year.

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Did you know?: Sea snakes and Okinawa

On Okinawa, sea snakes are valued as a treat rich in nutrition.

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Karaage at Kariju near Kadena AB a chicken delight on Okinawa

In case you have not noticed, karaage (Japanese-style fried food) is big in this country, especially chicken karaage.

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VIDEO: Speakin’ Japanese lesson: Enjoy the perfect season for eating!

Summer is almost coming to an end, but there is no need feel sad! Tons of fun stuff is coming up in the fall like some great food.

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Taste of Okinawa: Relive summer memories at Chatan’s Tropical Kitchen

If you go to Chatan Seawall Area during lunchtime, you will see some eateries crowded with servicemembers in uniform.

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Taste of Okinawa: Uminchu Shokudo in Yomitan serving up Fresh seafood bowls

Uminchu Shokudo is a cafeteria style seafood restaurant located in the Yomitan Village Fishermen’s Cooperative Store.

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­­VIDEO: Spice up dinnertime with Okinawa Taco Rice recipe

If you ask me, taco rice is the kind of food that is hard not to like. Since it was invented in 1984 by Matsuo Gibo, who owned fast-food joint Parlor Senri near Camp Hansen, taco rice has grown to be one of the most beloved tastes of Okinawa.