(Photo by Yoshihito Morita)
Hachinohe residents gathered on Tanesashi Beach on March 11 to remember the victims and devastation on the 14th anniversary of the East Japan Earthquake.
The unprecedented 9.0-magnitude earthquake, subsequent tsunami and Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown struck the eastern coast and caused significant damage nationwide on March 11, 2011. In the aftermath, 15,900 were dead, 2,523 missing and 6,157 were injured, according to Japan’s National Police Agency.
During the annual “HUMANBAND on 311” memorial event, attendees held hands prayed and sang. At 2:46 p.m., marking the moment the earthquake struck 14 years ago, a solo trumpet played.
Tanesashi Beach is about an hour away from Misawa Air Base by car. In Aomori Prefecture, which is home to the base, three residents were killed, and one is still missing due to the devastation, according to the RAB Broadcasting service. The annual memorial event is meant to remember the victims, unite in prayers and keep the memories for future generations, according to “HUMANBAND on 311” organizers.