When the weather turns cold, the wind picks up and the rain hammers down relentlessly, it’s a good idea to have indoor activities to keep kids busy. With just a few random supplies, kids can make some pretty awesome projects. Just remember to have a good clean-up plan in place! Here are six projects for your kids to keep busy this fall.
Empty toilet paper rolls
Black or brown tempera paint
Black or brown construction paper
Black pipe cleaners
Hole punch
Googly eyes
Black and silver markers
Bat wing template (optional)
Paint your toilet paper roll black or brown, depending on the color bat you’d like. Let dry. Draw bat wings onto construction paper and cut out. Glue wings onto back of toilet paper roll. Cut out small triangles from construction paper for ears and glue onto bat, along with googly eyes. Use marker to draw a mouth. Punch two holes in the bottom of bat for legs. Cut black pipe cleaner in half. Twist one end of each pipe cleaner through the punched holes. To create feet, snip the last inch off the pipe cleaner. Wrap the piece around the bottom of each leg. Fold the middle part of the foot to make a hook for hanging. Hang bat.
Red, yellow, orange and brown craft paint
Red, white and orange craft paper
Googly eyes
Coat child’s hand with yellow paint and press firmly onto white craft paper. Repeat with orange and red paint with the palm in the same spot to create turkey feathers. Set aside to dry. Coat child’s foot with brown paint and toes with orange paint and press firmly onto white craft paper. Set aside to dry. Cut around the handprints and footprints when dry. Cut a red teardrop shape for the waddle and a yellow triangle shape for the beak. Attach waddle, beak, and googly eyes to footprint to create turkey face. Glue handprints to the back of footprint. Voila! A turkey.
Large paper plates
Leaves (real or fake)
Glue (sticky dots or a glue gun)
Ribbon for hanging
Cut out the middle of the paper plate. Stick leaves onto plate using sticky dots or glue guns until the plate is no longer visible. Make a loop out of ribbon and secure on the back of the paper plate. Hang and admire.
Pine cones (the more open the better)
Peanut butter
Bird seed
Cut twine long enough to tie around the top of the pine cone and hang from a tree branch (12-20”). Tie twine around top of pine code. Using a small spatula or butter knife, spread peanut butter on the pine cone. Pour birdseed into a bowl and roll the pine cone in the seed. Sprinkle more directly onto the pine cone if necessary. Hang in a location where you can watch the birds enjoy.
8 Popsicle sticks
Brown, yellow, white and orange paper
Brown or black marker
Brown paint
Cereal box
Cut a rectangle out of the cereal box and spread glue all over it. Stick on 7 popsicles in a row. Cut a few strands of “hair” out of the yellow paper. Glue the last Popsicle stick diagonally to make the scarecrow’s hat with the yellow hair behind it. Paint hat brown and let dry. Cut eyes from white paper, a nose from orange paper and create a flower with yellow paper. Draw on a smile with the marker.
White cardstock
Cotton balls
Black paper
Start by cutting a ghost template in the white cardstock. Glue cotton balls onto the template until the ghost is covered. Cut out eyes and a mouth from black paper, glue to ghost. For extra fun, add a string and hang up your ghost!