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When you wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing on your mind? For many, the answer is simple. It’s coffee.
It’s a given that this intoxicating beverage is adored, but like the sought after yet elusive utopia of Atlantis, does the perfect brew actually exist? We checked out what a few professionals had to say on this topic, and came up with a some suggestions.
Tips for Getting the Perfect Cup:
Clean Your Equipment Often
You want your equipment clean and fresh, free of all bacteria or other contaminants that add up with use.
Check the Water’s Temperature
The Black Bear Micro Roastery – an authentic roastery that’s dedicated to researched quality in beans — made an online guide that discusses the issue of water. It mentions that, ideally, you want your water to be between 195-205°F (91-96°C). It’s essential to get just the right temperature. Water that’s even slightly too hot will burn the coffee, and water that’s a touch too cool cannot properly extract a bean’s flavour.
Use Quality Water
The Black Bear’s Roastery guide also suggests that the water shouldn’t add anything extra to your coffee’s flavour. A lot of the times tap water can contain chlorine or other substances that affect the taste. Choose filtered or bottled water as an option.
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Bean Freshness Matters
In his brew guide, Garret Oden, coffee expert at Yellow House Coffee in Texas, reminds us that as soon as beans are ground and exposed to oxygen, the freshness declines quickly. To ensure prime quality in your sipping experience, buy coffee beans in smaller amounts and grind them day by day. This grind-as-you go routine keeps your coffee as true to quality taste as possible.
Use the Pour-Over Method of Brewing
The pour-over is a hand brew method of pouring warm water over the coffee grounds. Grounds are placed in a filter that is held in a cone, such as the Kalita Wave or Chemex. In an interview with Real Simple Living – a website that provides solutions for everyday life – barista champion Katie Carguilo explained that the pour-over is her favorite brew method. It offers a combination between an even saturation of grounds and removing of sediment, leaving a strong yet clean brew.
How to use the pour-over method effectively? First choose your apparatus (such as the Hario V60, Kalita Wave, Chemex) or check out a local cafe for pour-over options. Be sure to rinse your cone and filter. After that, place the freshly ground beans in your filter. Pour the warm water over the beans in an even manner. Give the beans time to soak in the water, and pause the pouring. Allow the liquid to drip through, then begin the pouring again. Basically, you want to repeat the steps of pouring and waiting until you have the amount of coffee you want.
Follow the tips above, and your patience will pay off with a divine cup of homemade joe.