(Hilary Valdez)

The brain has at least 100 billion neurons. Neurons carry and process information. Everything you feel and think can be tracked to your neurons. Your mood for example is a result of complex interactions between your brain chemistry and what you see happening before you. People give off vibes. Do you get “good vibes” or “bad vibes” from a person?

When I’m out for my walks, I always look at the dogs who are also out for a walk. I know they are sensing my energy. They look at me, some twist their head and stare at me. Some stop and stare. Some are friendly, some bark. If I make an angry face at them, they growl. If I smile, they look at me quietly, sizing me up. But if I’m smiling and greet them, stooping lower, they usually react in a friendly manner.

Your mood can fluctuate between sad - low vibration; or happy - high vibration. Major life stressors can result in our fluctuating moods. It’s common for people to occasionally experience sad or elated moods. However, people with a mood disorder usually suffer severe and lengthy mood states that disrupt their daily life.

According to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), mood disorders can be hereditary, while others are caused by chemical imbalances between brain cells and neurotransmitters.

What happens to your mood when you meet unpleasant people, or low vibration people? They can be angry, negative, bitter, and just constantly grumpy. Are you effected? What emotional button did they press in you? Conduct your own emotional inventory and see what bothered you and why. If you’re at a low vibration level, look at your personal health habits. Look at your lifestyle? What do you eat? Do you exercise? Overindulge in substances? Who do you pal around with? Do you oversaturate yourself with negative news stories. What is your outlook on life? Do you have low self-esteem? Are you always tired and lack energy? Do you over judge yourself and others? And are you pessimistic and cynical? Where does your suffering come from?

I worked in a psychiatric hospital for three years. Observing the mind and how it can just go haywire, was so sad. People of all ages mentally challenged and shuffling around a locked ward on Thorazine. Talking to their voices, arguing with themselves, oblivious to their surroundings. For some, there was no healing or improving their mental health. But there were brief moments when a twinkling of clarity would peek through the veneer of mental illness: then darkness. The mind is juxtaposed between fragility and strength. When I left the locked ward after my shift, I was grateful that I could walk out into freedom and fresh air.

Life is energy and energy infuses every living organism. Even the tiniest insect wants to avoid danger and be happy. So, when you wake up, wake up with an attitude of gratitude. Be thankful. Stay in the moment. Get rid of anger and resentments. Don’t live in the past. Enjoy your environment; the sound of birds. Go for a walk and enjoy the flowers. Be with positive people, even if you have to recycle a few friends. Take an interest in your health. If you say something negative, counteract that and say two positive things. Practice positive self-talk. Don’t gossip. Like yourself. Appreciate yourself. Say nice things about yourself, to yourself.

How do you process your feelings around positive and outgoing people? What are you feeling? If a person is cheerful, do you become cheerful? How do you brighten your mood if you are in a low-vibration mood? Do you want to be a high vibration person? It doesn’t happen in a day. It take practice and a desire to improve yourself. Assess your outlook on life. Look at your behavior and attitude. Are you caring? Thoughtful? Are you loving? Are you peaceful? What happens when you meet cheerful people, or high vibration people? These people are happy, smiling, and in a good place spiritually. Remember the song “Good Vibrations” by the Beach Boys? “Gotta keep those good vibrations happening.” Some people just exude good vibrations.

Respect your body. Discover the root causes of your low vibrations. Don’t walk around carrying a sign that says, “The End is Near.” Maintain a positive mental attitude. You are responsible for what happens in your life. You decide.


Hilary Valdez is a freelancer living in Tokyo, Japan. He is an experienced Mental Health professional and Resiliency Trainer. Valdez is a former Marine and has worked with the military most of his career and most recently worked at Camp Zama as a Master Resiliency Trainer. Valdez now has a private practice and publishes books on social and psychological issues. His books are available on Amazon and for Kindle. Learn more about Valdez and contact him at his website or email ( Follow his YouTube channel Hilary’s Quick Talk for more insights.

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