Illustrations by 123RF ()
Let’s go chestnut picking!
Kurihiroi ni ikimasho! 栗拾いに行きましょう!
(kurihiroi = chestnut picking, .. ni ikimasho = Let's go ..)
I can’t wait to try all the seasonal chestnut treats. My favorite is Mont Blanc cake.
Shun no kurirryori wa tamaranai desune. Watashi no kobutsu wa monburankeeki desu.
(shun no = in season, kuriryori = chestnut treat/dish, tamaranai desu = can't wait to try, watashi no = my, kobutsu = favorite)
Can you tell me how to cook some Japanese dishes using chestnuts?
Nihon no kuriryori wo oshiete kuremasenka?
(nihon no = Japanese.., oshiete = teach me, .. kuremasenka? = can you give me .. ?)
I like grape picking too!
Budo gari mo suki desu!
(budo gari = grape picking, suki desu = I like, mo = too)
Today a nice day to enjoy the autumn leaves and go for a walk in the park.
Kyo wa koen de momijigari suruniwa chodoyoi akibiyori desu.
(kyo wo = today is, Koen de = at park, momijigari = autumn leave hunting, chodoyoi = suitable/ good for, akibiyori = a nice autumn day)
When does the fall foliage forecast say the leaves will change in our area?
Yoho dewa konoatari ga irozuku nowa itsugoro desuka?
(Yoho = (weather) forcast, dewa = according to, konoatari = around hear, idozuku = change (leaves) colors, itsugoro = when)
Can you tell me some autumn leave attractions near our area?
Konoatari no momiji no meisho wo oshiete kuremasenka?
(momiji = autumn leaves, meisho = attraction)