Speakin’ Japanese: Golden Week words to know
Stripes Okinawa April 26, 2024
In Japan, a string of four consecutive national holidays sandwiched between two weekends (Apr. 28 to May 6) is simply called Golden Week. If you are out and about during this travel-crazy week, here are some ways to strike up a conversation.
“Gooruden uiiku wa dokoka ni dekakemasu ka?” = Are you going anywhere during Golden Week? (“gooruden uiiku” = golden week, “dokoka ni” = for/to anywhere, “dekakemasu” = will go out)
“Hakone ni ikimasu.” = I / we will go to Hakone. (“ni ikimasu” = will go to)
“Doobutsuen ni ikimasu.” = I / we will go to a zoo. (“doobutsuen” = zoo, “yuuenchi” = amusement park, “umi” = beach, “yama” = mountain)
“Nannichikan yasumemasu ka?” = How many days can you take off? (“nannichikan” = how many days, “yasumemasu” = can take day off)
“Dooyatte sugoshimasu ka?” = How will you spend the period? (“dooyatte” = how, “sugoshimasu” = will spend)
“Ie de terebi wo mimasu.” = I will watch TV at home. (“ie de” = at home, “terebi” = TV, “wo mimasu” = will watch)
“Dokomo kondeiru node, ie ni itahooga iidesu yo.” = Since it is crowded everywhere, you had better stay home. (“dokomo” = everywhere, “konde” = is/are crowded, “node” = as, “hooga iidesu” = had better)
“Hidoi juutai desu.” = Roads are awfully jammed. (“hidoi” = awfully, “juutai” = heavy traffic)
“Ginkoo ga shimatte imasu.” = Banks are closed. (“ginkoo” = bank, “shimatte imasu” = is/are closed)
“Yoyaku de ippai desu.” = Rooms are fully booked. (“yoyaku” = reservation, “ippai” = full)
“Ii otenki desu ne?” = It is a beautiful day, isn’t it? (“ii otenki” = good weather, “desu ne?” = isn’t it?)
“Minasan tanoshisoo desu.” = Everyone looks happy. (“minasan” = every one, “tanoshisoo” = looks happy)
“Yoi kyuujitsu wo.” = Have a good holiday. (“yoi” = good, “kyuujitsu” = holiday(s))
“Mata raishuu.” = I will see you again next week. (“mata” = again, “raishuu” = next week)
When on OKINAWA, you can also say it in “Uchinaanguchi” (island dialect) like this:
“Golden Week Ya Nuugana Suru kutoo Ami?” = Do you have plans for Golden Week?
“Wannee Hawaii Nkai Ichibusaa Souibiin.” = I want to go to Hawaii.
“Tokyo Sky Tree Nkai Icha biin Dee.” = I’m going to go to Tokyo Sky Tree.
“Chaa Yataga, Disney Sea?” = How did you like Disney Sea?
“Wannee Kunu Mise Ippee Shichi.” = I like this store very much.