It has been 10 years since the East Japan Earthquake and the devastating tsunami. And, in those 10 years, we have seen and felt other large-sized earthquakes in Kumamoto, Ogasawara and Hokkaido regions.
Japan is made up of volcanic islands, and an earthquake may break out at any moment. So, let’s get prepared for a coming earthquake by making our emergency kit ready with food, water, bandage, along with flashlight, radio, and batteries for mobile phones.
When an earthquake breaks out, don’t panic. Check Stripes Japan (japan.stripes.com) and Okinawa (okinawa.stripes.com) for how to prepare for an earthquake. And, if you need more information after an earthquake hits, look for updates from Stars and Stripes and AFN radio. Today’s Japanese phrase is: “Sonaemasho!” = Let’s get prepared! ("sonae" = preparation, ".. masho" = Let's.. ) Stay safe and sonaemasho!