Spreading along beautiful valley in green forest, Yugawara Man-yo Park is a superb touring destination near Camp Zama, NAF Atsugi and any other Kanto bases. Walking along the park along the scenic valley with waterfalls and foot spas makes us completely refreshed and recharged.
Today's Japanese phrase:
“Kimochi ga ii desu!” 気持ちが良いです! = Feel so good!
("kimochi" 気持ち = feeling, "ii" いい = good, ".. ga.. desu" ・・が・・です = .. is .. )
Let's enjoy summer by going out and exploring beautiful natural attractions of this country!
Yugawara Manyo Park - Soyu Terrace "Books and Retreat"
Location: 566 Miyanoue, Yugawara Town, Ashigara-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture (one-hour drive from Zama and Atsugi)
Tel: 0465-43-7830