E.J. King’s Jesus Puello locks in a head-and-arm hold on Kadena’s Richard Gantz in the heavyweight final, won by Puello.

E.J. King's Jesus Puello locks in a head-and-arm hold on Kadena's Richard Gantz in the heavyweight final, won by Puello. (Dave Ornauer/Stars and Stripes)

TOKYO – Kaiser Armour captured the title in his weight class a year ago. But on Saturday, he came up one step short of repeating his “Beast of the Far East” wrestling tournament feat.

But rather than lament finishing second at 189 pounds, Armour said he plans to take the lessons learned from defeat to make him better the rest of the season, particularly getting ready for next month’s Far East tournament.

“It’s going to make me grow significantly,” said Armour, a senior who lost 10-8 at 189 pounds to the wrestler he beat for the “Beast” title in 2024, Roman Leyko of host St. Mary’s, early in Saturday’s event. Armour went unbeaten in four bouts after that to finish second.


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