Zama’s Ayden Helton, left, brings a career total of 1,281 points into next week’s Far East tournament.

Zama's Ayden Helton, left, brings a career total of 1,281 points into next week's Far East tournament. (Jeunei Bodnar/Special to Stripes)

KADENA AIR BASE, Okinawa – It’s not so much the teams you’ve already played, but the ones you haven’t seen that can make tournament play a challenge.

That’s the issue facing Nile C. Kinnick and St. Mary’s, who have won the DODEA-Pacific Far East Boys Division I Basketball Tournament the last two years, beating Kadena in each of the finals.

It’s the two teams unknown to them – Humphreys and American School Bangkok – that could throw a monkey wrench into their title plans.


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