“Otanjobi omedeto!” = Happy birthday! (“otanjobi” = birthday, “omedeto” = congratulations)
“Kokyo wa doko desuka?” = Where is the Imperial Palace? (“kokyo” = Imperial Palace, “.. wa doko desuka?” = where is ...?)
“Kokyo wa Tokyo ni arimasu.” = The palace is in Tokyo. (“.. wa .. ni arimasu” = .. is in/at ..)
“Kyo wa Tenno-Tanjobi desu.” = Today is the Emperor’s Birthday. (“kyo” = today, “,, wa .. desu” = .. is.., “Tenno” = Emperor)
“Nihon no shukujitsu no hitotsu desu.” = It is also a national holiday in Japan. (“nihon no shukujitsu” = Japan’s national holiday, “wa .. no hitotsu desu” = it is one of the ..)
“Anatano tanjobi wa itsu desuka?” = When is your birthday? (“anatano” = your, “.. wa itsu desuka?” = when is ..?)
“Watashino tanjobi wa ____ desu.” = My birthday is ____. (“watashino” = my)
“Tenno” = Emperor “Kogo” = Empress “Syukujitsu” = Holiday
Pronunciation key: “A” is short (like “ah”); “E” is short (like “get”); “I” is short (like “it”); “O” is long (like “old”); “U” is long (like “tube”); and “AI” is a long “I” (like “hike”). Most words are pronounced with equal emphasis on each syllable, but “OU” is a long “O” with emphasis on that syllable.